
I am constantly listening to music, but I've never been able to decide on just one genre, so instead, I will be showing all of the sides of my music taste. You're gonna notice a common theme (drums) because I play drums (poorly) and I love drum-heavy songs.


METAL - I love metal so much. The drums, the guitar, the screaming, I don't know what is so inticing about it, but it's just so good to listen to. These guys manage to make some of the most harmonic screams, notes I didn't think anyone could hit when going that loud.

EMO METAL / ROCK - I can't even lie, it's a guilty pleasure. I don't care what anyone has to say about it, I love it, and I won't stop loving it.

2010'S AND SUCH - I wanted to label this song as white girl music but I'm missing a good amount of key artists (Taylor Swift) so I just went with 2010's

BREAKCORE - Breakcore is probably my second favorite genre, although it splits into 2 categories most of the time, so I decided to split up the playlists. I love the drums so much, I just love drums, and the entire genre is centered around drums, it's perfect for me. I also love how fast a lot of the songs get.

ALT/ROCK - It'll always be good, sometimes I transition into this from metal, purely because some of the songs from the metal bands end up being more like this, so it's like taking a break from the metal and going to something a bit calmer

RAP - I can't even lie, the Kendrick V. Drake stuff kinda got me back into rap, I haven't listened to a lot of it in a while, so the playlist might be a bit weird or kinda empty, which I apologize for.

There is more but I don't wanna make anymore playlists, so honorable mentions:

Gangster Rap, 80's/90's Pop, 80's/90's Rock, Hyperpop, More Classic Stuff (Frank Sinatra will always be good)

Thank you for reading about my clearly not specific music taste.