I love my cats so much, they don't seem they like me sometimes but I think that they might just be kinda dumb. The cats have been my support animals since we've adopted them, and thats one of the main reasons that cats are my favorite animal, and why they're so important to me.

This is my cat Merlin, I had him first, and I can't tell how he feels about me. I got him much later than my first ever cat, although unfortunately they are not around anymore. Merlin loves just laying on the floor until I lay next to him, which is when he'll get up and start eating my hair.

Melin likes to jump up to hands whenever you raise them up, kinda like a high five but with his entire body. He's also a little fat, maybe just a little round, rotund, if you will. I woudln't say obese, but he has some force when he plops down on the floor, not heavy enough to stop me from carrying him, which he also very much enjoys. Prety much no matter how you pick him up, he seems to enjoy it.

Then there is Jade. Jade is much more affectionate than Merlin and is around me a lot more than Merlin ever is, but she is where the dumb part comes in. There isn't a single ounce of thought behind those eyes, she just stares until you do something with her, but half of the time she just keeps staring even when you do something. You could pick her up and spin her around and she will be staring in the exact same direction.

Jade doesn't like being picked up nearly as much, unless you're my parents. She also doesn't like to stay still half the time so I don't have a good picture. She doesn't care when my parents pick her up at all, she just doesn't like when I do it. She is also a very big fan of fake grass, we have it scattered throughout the house, I even have it on the edge of my window (I have deep windows) so she can just lay on it and be stupid.